Printed Material Archives of the DHCS

The Debbie Harry Collector's Society has been accumulating a massive archive listing of all the magazine articles and other printed material references of Blondie and Debbie Harry since it began in 1987. This archive has recently been converted into a .DBF file (DBASE 4 format) which is updated with Lotus Approach version 3, but which can, with some effort on your part, be read in, displayed, and printed by most decent database programs. You will need to read the documentation file!

The file currently contains approximately 1,100 entries, each a separate record. In its uncompressed format, this file is fairly large (around 1 meg). Due to time constraints, I have not been able to enter all the items in my collection (approximately 2,000 more items) into this list. Eventually, there will be a way for users of this site to use a form to enter new records about items missing from the master list but which they have in their collection, which I will then place into the master file.

Download the documentation file (ASCII text) last updated on 1997 Jan 08
Download the documenation and the 93K zipped database file last updated on 1997 Jan 08

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